maanantai 1. marraskuuta 2021

Día de Tots Sants


Public holiday: Día de Tots Sants in Mallorca,
Día de Todos los Santos in Spain.
Allerheiligen in Deutschland.
Pyhäinpäivä Suomessa.

My first visit to the local cemetery.

Der 1. November (Allerheiligen) ist in Spanien und auf Mallorca ein gesetzlicher
 Feiertag. An diesem Tag verwandeln sich die Friedhöfe auf der Insel in ein 
Blumenmeer. Zahlreiche Angehörige besuchen die Gräber und schmücken sie, 
um der Toten zu gedenken.

This is the modern part of the cemetery.

Pretty cool.

Flowers, yes.

One of the cool arrangements.

This is the chapel in the old part of the cemetery.

Not all graves were decorated today. No relatives anymore?

The old part has quite many trees.

El cementerio municipal de Artà fue construido en 1831, cuenta con todo 
su perímetro rodeado por un parco muro que contrasta con su grandioso 
portal de acceso principal, de claro estilo mediterráneo sobre su puerta 
de entrada dos querubines custodian el escudo del municipio.

Another arrangement.

Yes, a grave of a child.

The higher, bigger graves, or should I say tombs?

Same same but different. More decorative.

Check this! SO many flowers, and candles, too.

Same same.

Honestly, sometimes more is less.

Same same.

But different.

Yes, plastic flowers.

But today, extremely many real flowers.

Same same.

Same same.

Here a real family tomb, take the steps downstairs.

Real roses.

Same same.

Check this: Pfennigblumen!

One of those family graves.


Another tomb.

Downstairs this.

Yes, the practical chairs.

The chapel.

Inside the chapel.
iPhone photoquality surprises me. Immer wieder.

Surprising colour combination.

Kind of a window.

Here more of the windows. And flowers. 

Very often there is only the date of the death,
and the the age written.

Same same but different.

Another family tomb.

I was lucky with my timing, was almost alone there.
But when leaving, the crowds arrived, the parking lot was full.
Such a sunny day to honour the death.

Finnisch für Anfänger:

HAUTAUSMAA = Friedhof / cemetery
HAUTA = Grab / grave
MAA = Erde / land

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