torstai 28. huhtikuuta 2022




Great location.

Due to some logistical delays my hubby was asked if he could lend 
his boat for the show.
Well, his boat is not even y year old, so why not.
It was thoroughly cleaned and decorated for the show time.

The yachts longer than 24 meters are a class of their own.
Super yachts.
Most of them total beauties.

Read more in here:

The weather was perfect for an outdoor happening, not too hot.

Yes, I think it is a great promotion thing when telling
the world that the owner of this boat is the drummer
of the band Queen. 

See the Turkish flag. 
Black or Block or Blick or Bleck or Bluck?
A boat with this colour seems a bit scary,
in James Bond movies definitely owned by the bad guys.

In our hoods, in Porto Cristo tennis star Rafa Nadal parks his boat.

Check this video where Nico Rosberg, son of the Finnish F1 driver Keke Rosberg,
visits Rafa Nadal's catamaran:

sunnuntai 24. huhtikuuta 2022

Itsy bitsy


Finnisch für Anfänger:

HÄMÄHÄKKI = Spinne / spider

Almost stepped on this guy when getting out of the shower.

The tiles are like 11,5 x 11,5 cm.
Just to give you an idea of the size of the beast.

The old trick with a glass and paper normally works out.

He/she was a bit shaken so the photo session went went, too.
Then he/she was allowed to run free in the rose garden.


The itsy bitsy spider climbing up the spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
Now itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again

Hämä-hämähäkki kiipes langalle.
Tuli sade rankka, hämähäkin vei.
Aurinko armas kuivas satehen,
hämä-hämähäkki kiipes uudelleen.

perjantai 22. huhtikuuta 2022

Rainy nature


Warning: this posting includes only boring garden pics.

April rains come and go and come back again.

In the springtime water is important.

Too much rain drives the worms crazy, the seek dry shelter.

But the shelter is not safe! Check the ants.

Ants love the worms!

Finnisch für Anfänger:

MATO = Wurm / worm

MUURAHAINEN = Ameise / ant

Stormy weathers!

After the rain comes the sun. And soon the roses are blossoming.

Give us sun!

Oh yes, sun is there, and the daisies love it, too.

And the scent of the orange blossom fills the air.


maanantai 18. huhtikuuta 2022

Alles Bienen oder was?


A room with a view. Indeed.

Country life has its moments. Like. Invasion of bees!

First we just were wondering why on earth are those 
bees gathering on the wall.

And then we realized they are entering the house through 
that round thing on the wall.

Took half an hour for the "family" to get settled.

Well, they are not in the house but somewhere in-between
the roof and the ceiling.

The question is how to get them out of there,
somewhere to a new home.
Cannot tell how many kilos of honey our ceiling can carry!
Boring? Country life? Never ever!


Finnisch für Anfänger:

MEHILÄINEN = Biene / bee

keskiviikko 13. huhtikuuta 2022



Time to memorize how to operate my bigger camera.

Finnisch für Anfänger:

RUUSUNLEHTI = Rosenblatt / rose leaf

Indian wool.


Finnisch für Anfänger total einfach:

TILLI = Dill / dill

Oranges & lemons.

Two leaves.


tiistai 12. huhtikuuta 2022



Well, fans, now you'll get some cat pics.

The colour of cats' eyes changes later.
Let's follow that. And other development, too.
Shall keep you posted.

keskiviikko 6. huhtikuuta 2022



Finnisch für Anfänger:

KISSANPENTU =  Kätzchen / kitten 

KOLME KISSANPENTUA = 3 Kätzchen / 3 kittens

Emily, the almost black cat adopted us last autumn,
now she extended her family with three little ones.

Gut zu wissen.
Had to check what happens when baby cats are born,
how will they develop.

Definitely more photos to come!

maanantai 4. huhtikuuta 2022

Radio X im Museum


Oderazzi definitely has spent some time in museums.

On Saturday SISU-team was on stage!

With Suvi and Kirsi we talked about the old times,
SISU-radio started 25 years ago, in September.
Like radio x as well.

Check further postings in social media, instagram, Facebook:
#sisuradiofrankfurt #radiox #mfk #radioaktionstag #oderazzi

sunnuntai 3. huhtikuuta 2022

Artsy April days in Frankfurt


Städel Museum presented three pics from the 
Deutsche Bank collection as "langfristige Leihgabe".


Two drawings by Max Beckmann and

"Selbstporträt (in phantastischer Gesellschaft)" von Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler von 1931.

Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler

(born Anna Frieda Wächtler; 
4 December 1899 – 31 July 1940) 
was a German painter of the avant-garde whose works were banned as 
"degenerate art", and in some cases destroyed, in Nazi Germany. She 
was murdered in a former psychiatric institution at Sonnenstein castlein 
Pirna under Action T4, a forced euthanasia program of Nazi Germany. 
Since 2000, a memorial center for the T4 program in the house 
commemorates her life and work in a permanent exhibition.


Streit und Betrug prägten die Ehe und führten 1926 zur Trennung Lohses 
von seiner Frau. Dies hinterließ folgeschwere Spuren bei der Künstlerin, 
die 1929 einen Nervenzusammenbruch erlitt und daraufhin in eine 
psychiatrische Klinik eingewiesen wurde. Die Zeichnungen, die Lohse-
Wächtler dort unentwegt anfertigte – Bildnisse der übrigen Patienten – 
wurden nach ihrer Entlassung ausgestellt und überregional bekannt. 
Diese Werke zeichnen sich durch die unmittelbare Nähe zu den 
Porträtierten und ihrer psychologischen Durchdringung aus.

Ein zweiter Nervenzusammenbruch und die Diagnose Schizophrenie führten 
1932 zur Einweisung Lohse-Wächtlers in die Pflegeanstalt Arnsdorf bei Dresden. 
Nach der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten 1933 wurde das „Gesetz 
zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses“ erlassen, das seit 1934 die 
Zwangssterilisation von psychisch kranken Frauen verlangte. Per gerichtlichem 
Beschluss und obwohl Lohse-Wächtlers Eltern beim Erbgesundheitsgericht 
Einspruch gegen die Sterilisation erhoben, wurde der Eingriff im darauffolgenden 
Jahr durchgeführt. Am 31. Juli 1940 wurde Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler als Opfer 
der nationalsozialistischen Krankenmordaktion „T4“ in der Tötungsanstalt 
Pirna-Sonnenstein vergast. Lohse-Wächtlers Bruder, Hubert Wächtler, trat 
1947 beim Dresdner Ärzteprozess als Zeuge auf und schilderte die Vergehen 
an seiner Schwester. Die an den Euthanasieverbrechen in Sachsen beteiligten 
Ärzte wurden infolge des Prozesses zum Tode verurteilt. Heute erinnert die 
Gedenkstätte Pirna-Sonnenstein an die ermordeten Opfer.

Oderazzi's artsy day in Uferkunst.
Hiljaa hyvä tulee.

Reinhold Mehling getting prepared for the next exhibition:


MENSCHWERK, das heißt große, leerstehende Hallen – einst Werkstätte 
für Industrie und herstellendes Gewerbe – wieder mit Leben füllen. 
Leben in Form von Kunstwerken, die der Größe und Besonderheit 
der alten Hallen gerecht werden.

22.-24.4.2022 in Aschaffenburg


Ausstellung im Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt.

Tää pulloteline lienee kuuluisin hänen valmisesineistään.

Industriell hergestelltes Drahtgestell zur Flaschentrocknung.

A found object (a loan translation from the French objet trouvé), 
or found art, is art created from undisguised, but often modified, 
items or products that are not normally considered materials from 
which art is made, often because they already have a non-art function.

This exhibition you have see with open mind.
It is also useful to read some stories behind the art works.
Like the name of this originally was French Window.

Many objects you see in different connections.

In these boxes you can carry a whole collection of Duchamp's art.


Turntables on paper.

Of course, Marcel Duchamp also painted.
I kind of very much like his cubistic pictures.
This one is called check players, his dearest hobby was to ply chess.

In the museum there is a whole room dedicated to chess.

For your travels!

His early drawings are pretty charming, aren't they?

He could draw and paint, but that wasn't enough.

With these objects he rattled the art world.
And he was not alone.

Want to read more? Here:

Ausstellung ab Samstag, 2. April bis Montag, 3. Oktober 2022. 

Domstraße 10
60311 Frankfurt am Main

Dienstag11:00 - 18:00
Mittwoch11:00 - 19:00
Donnerstag11:00 - 18:00
Freitag11:00 - 18:00
Samstag11:00 - 18:00
Sonntag11:00 - 18:00