lauantai 30. heinäkuuta 2022

Sant Salvador Fiesta


Party time in Artá:

Sant Salvador, unes festes de pinyol vermell!

Opening festivities in front of the town hall.
Starting at 22 hrs, including dancing devils and
loads of pyrotechnics, fire, explosions.
And drumming, loud drumming by TREMOLARTÁ.

People are not afraid of the fires, check the kids on the shoulders.

The procession went through the tiny streets, 
all other lights in the town were shut down.
Devils and drummers and fire shooters leading.

We really did not want to be in the front rows.
Some young guys wore totally wet hoodies and scarves
and played with the fires. 

Drumming continues at the Na Batlessa square. 

Finally, after 2,5 hrs drumming 😑
the band finally was allowed on stage.

Les festes patronals de Sant Salvador d’enguany duran per lema 
“Unes festes de pinyol vermell”. Amb l’adaptació d’aquesta dita popular, 
l’Ajuntament ha volgut donar protagonisme a elements com la llengua 
i la tradició oral en la celebració d’un fet tan sentit com són les festes patronals.

Pons translation into English:
This year's festivities of Sant Salvador will have the motto 
"Unes festes de pinyol vermell". With the adaptation of this popular saying, 
the City Council has wanted to give prominence to elements such as 
language and oral tradition in the celebration of something as meaningful 
as the patron saint festivities.

Pons Übersetzung in Deutsch:
Die diesjährigen Feierlichkeiten von Sant Salvador stehen unter dem Motto 
"Unes festes de pinyol vermell". Mit der Adaption dieses populären 
Sprichworts wollte der Stadtrat Elemente wie Sprache und mündliche 
Überlieferung bei der Feier von etwas so Sinnvollem wie den 
Patronatsfesten in denVordergrund stellen.

Time to practice some more Mallorquin, read the  
complete fiesta programme here::


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