This year it was again time to participate in the fleemarket
of the Sommerwerft theatre festival in Frankfurt-Ostend.
The weather was sunny most of the time.
Next to me I had nice South American guys selling
self made jewelry: Rumi Quinche Perez
But watch out for his helping friends, if you leave
your stuff unattended for longer than half an hour
you might not find all your belongings again.
Rumi will be there for the two upcoming Sundays as well,
his well made jewelry is made of leather, macramé, holy stones and filigree.
And he cann dance salsa, as my sister in law proved!
Check his fb account:
The festival offer daily performances, music and much more.
All free, you just have to register yourself to enter the area - due covid.
As far as I know it is not allowed to go swimming in the river,
but this was the end of the performance.
And yes, they did return.
Sommerwerft bis zum 8.8.21.
Alternativ, bunt, cool.
You need Power,
only when you want
to do something harmful
Love is enough to
get everything done.
Wise words detected in Walldorf by my sister in law.
Well, this guy, Karl der Grosse, definitely had and used power.
(2. April 748 - 28. Januar 814) (Wiki)
This statue was set up in 2016 at the Alte Brücke (the Old Bridge).
Finnisch für Anfänger:
SUURI = gross / great
Hopefully some love was included in his life as well.
BTW: his sword got already once stolen, in 2020.
Die aus Mainsandstein angefertigte Figur Karl des Großen steht auf der
Alten Brücke in Frankfurt. Sie ist eine Nachbildung der Originalfigur
aus dem Jahr 1843, die von Karl Eduard Wendelstadt entworfen und
von Johann Nepomuk Zwerger, Professor am Städelschen Kunstinstitut
in Frankfurt vollendet wurde. Das Original befindet sich heute im
Historischen Museum. Die Nachbildung des Kaisers ist 3,20 Meter
groß und zeigt ihn in typischer Herrscherpose: mit Schwert,
Reichsapfel und Krone. Sein Blick ist Richtung Westen, nach Frankreich,
gerichtet. Karl der Große hat der Sage nach auf seiner Flucht vor den
Sachsen mit den Franken den Main über eine Furt durchquert,
und so der Stadt ihren Namen gegeben.
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