maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021

FlowMarkt and Karl


This year it was again time to participate in the fleemarket
of the Sommerwerft theatre festival in Frankfurt-Ostend.

The weather was sunny most of the time.

Next to me I had nice South American guys selling 
self made jewelry: Rumi Quinche Perez
But watch out for his helping friends, if you leave
your stuff unattended for longer than half an hour
you might not find all your belongings again.

Rumi will be there for the two upcoming Sundays as well,
his well made jewelry is made of leather, macramé, holy stones and filigree.
And he cann dance salsa, as my sister in law proved!
Check his fb account: 

The festival offer daily performances, music and much more.
All free, you just have to register yourself to enter the area - due covid.

As far as I know it is not allowed to go swimming in the river,
but this was the end of the performance.
And yes, they did return.

Sommerwerft bis zum 8.8.21.
Alternativ, bunt, cool.

You need Power, 
only when you want
to do something harmful
Love is enough to 
get everything done.

Wise words detected in Walldorf by my sister in law.

Well, this guy, Karl der Grosse, definitely had and used power.
(2. April 748 - 28. Januar 814) (Wiki)
This statue was set up in 2016 at the Alte Brücke (the Old Bridge).

Finnisch für Anfänger:

SUURI = gross / great

Hopefully some love was included in his life as well.
BTW: his sword got already once stolen, in 2020.

Die aus Mainsandstein angefertigte Figur Karl des Großen steht auf der 
Alten Brücke in Frankfurt. Sie ist eine Nachbildung der Originalfigur 
aus dem Jahr 1843, die von Karl Eduard Wendelstadt entworfen und 
von Johann Nepomuk Zwerger, Professor am Städelschen Kunstinstitut 
in Frankfurt vollendet wurde. Das Original befindet sich heute im 
Historischen Museum. Die Nachbildung des Kaisers ist 3,20 Meter 
groß und zeigt ihn in typischer Herrscherpose: mit Schwert, 
Reichsapfel und Krone. Sein Blick ist Richtung Westen, nach Frankreich, 
gerichtet. Karl der Große hat der Sage nach auf seiner Flucht vor den 
Sachsen mit den Franken den Main über eine Furt durchquert, 

lauantai 24. heinäkuuta 2021

Chilly Wiesbaden


Wiesbaden, capital of Hesse.

Kurhaus in Wiesbaden, one of the concert halls of Rheingau
Musik Festival every summer.

Very classic, very conservative, maybe not the best
hall for jazzy concerts?

Very festive.

No, it is not my hubby on stage, no, no.
It is the man in his morning gown & slippers:
And the Kaiser Quartett from Hamburg.
Those guys wore really cool, checkered suits. I liked those ones.
And they did not really play jazz, they played ... modern music.

... wer Chilly Gonzales kennt, weiß, dass vieles, was er tut, sich jeglichen Konventionen 
des Konzertalltags entzieht. In seinen Konzertabenden nimmt der Musik-Entertainer 
das Publikum mit auf eine Reise querbeet durch alle Facetten seiner bemerkenswerten 
Persönlichkeit. Wenn er in Morgenrock und Hausschuhen Klavier spielt, ist es, als würde 
man mit diesem großartigen Künstler am Kamin sitzen und über das Leben und dessen 
wunderbare Irrungen und Wirrungen philosophieren. Und genau das macht er auch 
in seinen Kompositionen.  Er hinterfragt, führt zusammen, erfindet neu und legt jedem 
seiner Stücke dieses Programms eine Idee zugrunde.

After the concert we walked around in the town. 
Very classic, a bit conservative ... 

But hey, we found the old town, the party streets, really!
Not anymore so conservative!

And why are the corona cases quite a problem in Wiesbaden ...?
Well, look at this street, what kind of social distance is kept where?

Kurhaus at night.
And I tell you, the park area was full of youngster partying.
Nothing conservative, nothing old fashioned.

keskiviikko 21. heinäkuuta 2021



Weltkulturenmuseum zeigt:


The meaning of colours?
How different colours can be.

Our world is full of colour, but do all cultures see it in the same way? 
While the scientific basis for perception is identical for everyone, light 
waves can’t really explain how we name our impressions of colour, the 
number (and kind) of categories we divide these colours into, or the 
meanings and associations we ascribe to them. These can sometimes 
differ enormously depending on the language and culture involved. 

Interaktiv! Wie siehst du die und die Farbe?

Weltkulturen Farbe ... kleine Käfer.

I really do like these images, they are such wonderful fine art.

In some parts of our world death is not black,
but all bright colours can be included.

Check this decoration, it really reminds me of zentangling.

This as well, the decoration painted on a piece of leather.

Zentangle ist eine freie Zeichnung, die aus Formen mit immer 
wiederkehrenden Mustern aus einer Kombination von Punkten, 
Linien, einfachen Kurven und Kreisen strukturiert ist. (Wiki)

I think people all over the world have always been zentangling. 

Am Ende der Ausstellung landet man in eine rote Welt, sehr, rot.
Sehr interessant!

Have fun!

perjantai 16. heinäkuuta 2021

Das Jüdische Museum in Frankfurt


Yes, time to visit exhibitions and museums, the summer weather 
this week is perfect for that.

The museum has been renovated and is now open again!

The expansion of the Jewish Museum has given rise to a completely 
new museum complex. The modern extension was designed by Staab 
Architekten and has been built next to the historic Rothschild Palais. 
The two buildings form a harmonious ensemble of new and old, thus 
creating a new cultural center in the heart of Frankfurt. 


Interactive, yeah!

Lapsi on terve kun se leikkii. Ja aikuinen kanssa.
Palikat suoraan pinoon.

Always fascinating to see how Frankfurt looked like
after the bombings of the II WW.

Jews have always played a significant role in the city.

This is the oldest municipal Jewish Museum in Germany. 
On November 9, 1988, Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl opened 
the museum on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 
November Pogrom. 

Drawings and paintings, sceneries from the concentration camps.

All kind of collections, like this family tree. 

Check the acorns with hinges, wonder if they had the pics 
of the kids hidden in there,

I tell you, interactive!

You can hold the card in front of those blinking info points,
collect infromation and read all at home.
PS We did try to scan but ... at home no good results.

Sure, you can check the internet page but
it is more impressive to see some objects live.

Impressvie, I tell you.

Modern installation has also found its place in the museum.

Rotschild family has its own exhibition areas.

Rothschild family, the most famous of all European banking dynasties, 
which for some 200 years exerted great influence on the economic and, 
indirectly, the political history of Europe. The house was founded by 
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (b. February 23, 1744, Frankfurt am Main
—d. September 19, 1812, Frankfurt) and his five sons.

Starting out in a Frankfurt banking house, Mayer and his sons became 
international bankers, establishing branches in London, Paris, Vienna, 
and Naples by the 1820s. In addition to banking and finance, the Rothschild 
businesses have encompassed mining, energy, real estate, and winemaking. 
From the early 19th century the family has been known for its considerable 
charitable activities, particularly in the arts and education.

Mayer’s family name derived from the red (rot) shield on the house 
in the ghetto in which his ancestors had once lived.

Modern technology, you can see how the old houses were decorated.

Quite many portraits, and other paintings as well.

A few old rooms with kind of original look.

The most famous jewish girl from Frankfurt:
Anne Frank. She was born in Frankfurt 1929.

The staircase in the new museum.
Almost Guggenheim. 

Check the new internet pages with loads of information: