maanantai 18. huhtikuuta 2022

Alles Bienen oder was?


A room with a view. Indeed.

Country life has its moments. Like. Invasion of bees!

First we just were wondering why on earth are those 
bees gathering on the wall.

And then we realized they are entering the house through 
that round thing on the wall.

Took half an hour for the "family" to get settled.

Well, they are not in the house but somewhere in-between
the roof and the ceiling.

The question is how to get them out of there,
somewhere to a new home.
Cannot tell how many kilos of honey our ceiling can carry!
Boring? Country life? Never ever!


Finnisch fĂŒr AnfĂ€nger:

MEHILÄINEN = Biene / bee

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Tuli mieleen, ettÀ onkohan ne olleet siellÀ aiemminkin.
