lauantai 18. huhtikuuta 2020

Corona cleaning

Times of corona.
Cleaning times, indeed.
Now that you really, really, really have time.

Now that this plant which I call "Flaschenbürste" starts blossoming.
Doesn't it look like a brush for cleaning bottles?


Half open flower.

Finnisch für Anfänger:

LAMPPUHARJA = Zylinderputzer /callistemon
LAMPPU = Lampe / lamp
HARJA = Bürste / brush

This fantastic piece of art is actually ...
some fungus growing in our cellar. Pretty one.

Anyways, we did have this week the "Dia mundial del arte" on 15.4.20.


Yes, it is new:

World Art Day, a celebration to promote the development, diffusion 
and enjoyment of art, was proclaimed at the 40th session of UNESCO’s 
General Conference in 2019.

Yesterday we finally spent half a day in the cellar.
That artsy piece had to be destoryed from the floor. Vanity!

The previous owners of our house had left cupboards full of
different kind os stuff. During our four years of ownership we 
have managed to clear off most of the cellar stuff,
like broken picture frames, rotten wooden shelves and
rusty nails and pieces of tubes and pipes and ... just name it.

Nevertheless, we had left some cupboards unattended in order to see if 
we still could use some of the old stuff. Yesterday was the day of the truth: 
nothing had we used.
Off they went: all bits and pieces collected from bathroom renovations:
tubes, faucet parts, shower heads, you name it. Meters and meters of 
electric cable as well as all kinds of tubes in short parts.
Sockets and tiny light bulbs for cars.
Nothing had we used.

Last but not least the paint collection.
Some had I used, indeed.
But half of the cans and bottles had to be thrown away,
many of them had a price label in DM / German Mark
- when did we switch to Euro?

Of course, I had to rescue those wooden boxes, they were still in fairly good 
condition as kept in the plastic cupboards ... Yes, and in the pink plastic bag 
I discovered some useful material for future crafting projects.

Seeing art again.
Lightening your cleaning day.
One of those wooden wine boxes had this interesting structure.

Yes. Some dry plants sticked into floral foam.
Preis auf Anfrage.

Again Finnisch für Anfänger:

KUKKASIENI = Blumensteckschaum / floral foam

This I just named "Naapurin Karen".
Preis auf Anfrage.

Finnisch für Anfänger:

NAAPURI = NachbarIn / neighbour

These pretty seedcases with velvety surface originate from 
Frankfurt from our garden. The climbing, fast growing plant is called 
Wisteria,  Blauregen, sinisade and has beautiful lilac flowers and 
stunning scent.  

 People, stay safe.

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