Grasshoppers used to be a real threat in the Biblic times.
We had this pine drama already a couple of years ago when a strong storm
broke a couple of pine trees in down town Artá. A few trees had to be removed.
Now no weather damage has occurred but the old trees just have to go.
Work started.
Slowly but surely.
If trees could fly.
Check check all that wood ... not only for burning.
For the record.
Next to the tourist information. For the record.
Nää automaattiset käännökset on kerrassaan huvittavia.
This is the time of the year when the evening sun really
creates beautiful moments.
Well, early afternoon sun can be cool, too.
Here a view over Capdepera.
The pomegranates keep on ripening.
And the snakes keep on ... well, they try to cross our campo
but our garden help was faster!
Snake skin can be decorative.
Blue acorn in the blue trunk. Art in Dar Ahlam.
Finnisch für Anfänger:
TAMMENTERHO = Eichel / acorn
TAMMI = Eiche / oak
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