maanantai 29. maaliskuuta 2021

Vilafranca de Bonany


Yesterday we had Palm Sunday. 


Quick stop in Vilafranca de Bonany.
A town along the road from Manacor to Palma.
You always see this Jesus guy of the church tower when
driving along the ring road around the town.
Finally I made it to the town.

What did I expect? Corona has shut everything down anyway.
Nothing, I tell you nothing is going on.
A couple of coffee houses open.
And then I read in internet that this town is famous for ...
... watermelons!!!

"Festa i Fira del Meló"

Due to known reasons the last melon feast was celebrated 2019.

Vilafranca de Bonany was founded in 1620 at the foot of the Puig de Bonany 
mountain by the baron Pau Sureda de Sant Martí. Needing labourers to 
work on the land, he declared the area exempt from royal taxes. 
The name 'Vilafranca' means 'Villa without taxes'. 

The only information I found (without spending many hours)
oabout this Lluis de Vilafranca is in Catalan language:

El seu nom abans d’ingressar a l’orde caputxí (1788) era Joan Mestre i Oliver. 
Durant molts anys fou zelós bibliotecari del convent de Palma, 
del qual era guardià quan patí l’exclaustració (1835).

So he was a librarian.

These guys are shown in front of the entrance of the church.
Feel free to such for further info.

The current church of Santa Bárbara, which is their patron saint and 
celebrated on 4th December, was built in the early 18th century and 
extended in the mid-20th century. The sculpture of the Sacred Heart 
on top of the dome was installed in 1942 and is the work of 
Manacor-born Miquel Vadell.

In this posting I just want to show that Mallorca has so 
many options, so many beautiful things to detect,
to make nice photographs (the light is soooo good on the island), 
to inspire people to read more about history. 

Mallorca is much more than a party hot spot.

sunnuntai 28. maaliskuuta 2021

Yes, Mallorca


Why Mallorca? Because ...  

Spring is here.
Now the quince tree starts to blossom.
These delicate flowers will turn out to be pretty hard fruit,
like stony apples. 

On the island due to corona you can enjoy food and drinks
on terraces of restaurants until 5pm. Well, anyways it is healthier 
to eat less in the evenings.
Main square in township Artá, Plaça del Conqueridor.

In Dar Ahlam the new herb garden is almost ready.

Did you know how important it is to know which plants
feel good or bad together? Well, I did some research, in German.
And checked the names in Spanish, too.

Basically pretty logical, the typical Mediterranean plants
stick together and the traditional kitchen herbs, often annual ones,
feel good in their own groups. Let's see.

Of course the information can be controversial.
One says coriander/cilantro does not like any other herbs,
here they claim it's a good neighbor with parsley.

Es gibt unzählige Kräuter, bei denen es sich lohnt, sie selbst im Garten anzubauen. 
Diese stammen aus den unterschiedlichsten Regionen dieser Welt und würden 
ohne unser Zutun wohl nie alle aufeinandertreffen. Wie im richtigen Leben auch 
gibt es daher einige, die bestens miteinander auskommen und andere, die man 
besser auf Distanz halten sollte. Aber welche Kräuter passen denn nun zusammen? 

Also useful to know the English terms.


Today is Palm Sunday. Palmsonntag. Palmusunnuntai.

In the little town of Vilafranca I saw this poster.
Oh yes, remember the local tradition?
After carnival hang a witch with seven legs on the wall,
each week cut off (or tape away) one leg,
when all legs are gone it's Easter.

Wie der Name schon sagt, ist Jaya, eine Großmutter und ein Corema, 
die Fastenzeit ist, eine alte Frau aus Papier, Pappe oder bemaltem 
Holz, mit einem großen Rock, Taschentuch auf dem Kopf, einem Kabeljau 
in der einen Hand und einem Korb Gemüse in der anderen. Das Besondere 
an dieser Frau ist, dass sie sieben Beine hat, die die sieben Wochen der 
Fastenzeit repräsentieren. Am ersten Tag wird die alte Frau in der Küche 
oder im Esszimmer aufgehängt, und jeden Sonntag wird ein Bein der sieben, 
die sie hat, geschnitten, bis ihr am Karsamstag die beiden ausgehen und das, 
was von ihr übrig bleibt, verworfen wird. 

In Finland on Palm Sunday kids traditionally go around the villages 
dressed as little witches and speak loud this verse:

Virvon, varvon, tuoreeks terveeks, tulevaks vuuveks, 
isännälle ihramaha ja emännälle perä leveä!

Maybe in this corona year also this is done virtual?

perjantai 26. maaliskuuta 2021

Corona life goes on


Oh these confusing times. Corona rules. The leaders are lost.

Let's make the best of it. Let's enjoy the nature.

Enjoy the colours.

Enjoy the fantastic scent of freesias.

Enjoy the lovely dogs of our neighbours.

Enjoy the new sculptures in Son Moll promenade.
By Guillem Ángel Crespí Alemany.

Enjoy lunch time at the seaside.

Enjoy the empty promenade in Son Moll.

Enjoy the empty beach in Son Moll.

Kind of enjoy the view of hotels getting ready for the new season.
Will there be a new season this year?

Check the figures.


sunnuntai 21. maaliskuuta 2021

Boring slow garden


Yes, it is spring and ... it is so COLD!

But look at this pretty artichoke.
We did have a quite sunny week last week
and nature is awakening from its winter sleep.

First strelizias!!!

The genus is named after the duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 
birthplace of Queen Charlotte of the United Kingdom. 
A common name of the genus is bird of paradise flower/plant, 
because of a resemblance of its flowers to birds-of-paradise. (Wiki)

My second trial with rhubarb.
Found in Son Ferriol garden center, the one which
sells Finnish Kekkilä products.

Finnisch für Anfänger:

RAPARPERI = Rhabarber / rhubarb

How soon will these orange flowers blossom?

I do like my Tropaeolum.
From last year, it is, the plant, this pic is from last week.

Finnisch für Anfänger:

KÖYNNÖSKRASSI = Kapuzinerkresse / tropaeolum  

perjantai 19. maaliskuuta 2021

Feliz Día del Padre


Today fathers are celebrated in Spain.

As in many countries, the Spanish holiday calendar is heavily influenced 
by the Catholic tradition. For this reason, in Spain, Father’s Day takes place 
on March 19, coinciding with Saint Joseph’s day.

In some regions, Saint Joseph’s day is a public holiday appointed by 
the Catholic Church to celebrate the life of Joseph, Mary’s husband. Joseph 
represents all the good values of a proper husband and a loving father in his role 
as part of the Holy Family. In addition, he is the patron saint of the Universal Church, 
immigrants, craftspeople, workers in general, and engineers, among others.

Thanks to the gospels, we know that Joseph was a professional carpenter. 
However, there are no written stories reflecting his own words. For this reason, 
he is commonly called the Saint of Silence. It’s very likely that Joseph died 
before Jesus’s public life began.

In Valencia March 19th also is the climax of Fallas, read more in here:

Mi padre es la caña!

In Spanish, if you like something a lot or want to say it´s the best,

you say ´es la caña´ which, in this sense means ´the best´, 

also as I´m sure more of you are aware ´una caña´ also means a small beer.

Día del Padre ¿por qué se celebra?

En España el Día del Padre se celebra cada 19 de marzo por coincidir 
con ser el Día de San José. Se trata del padre de Jesús, de modo que 
de alguna manera se vincula la figura de este padre con la de todos 
los padres en el mundo.

Direkte apple Übersetzung:

Vatertag, warum wird er gefeiert?

In Spanien wird der Vatertag jeden 19. März gefeiert, weil er mit dem 
San José-Tag zusammenfällt. Es ist der Vater Jesu, also ist die Figur dieses 
Vaters irgendwie mit der aller Eltern in der Welt verbunden.

... aller Eltern ... na ja, "padres" in Plural heisst auch Eltern,
"padre" in Singular heisst nur Vater. 

Katolisessa Espanjassa isänpäivää vietetään maaliskuussa, 19.3.
Se on kirkon kalenterissa San Josén, 
eli Jeesuksen kasvatusisän Pyhän Josefin päivä.

Suomessa voi tilata Josefin asun naamiaisiin kun
kavereiden kanssa biletätte Jeesus-liigana!

Jeesuksen maallinen olemus ei jätä ketään evankeliumeista kiinostunutta 
rauhaan. Periaatteessa Jeesus oli avioton lapsi , jonka äidin maineen pelasti 
Josef. Miten Maria oli tullut raskaaksi, ei kuulu tähän keskusteluun, vaan 
ydin on se että Jeesus selvästi tiesi jotakin ja kapinoi Josefin isyyttä vastaan.

Koko kirjoituksen löydät täältä:

Lue YLEn kompakti kooste koko maailman isänpäivistä:

Oletteko muuten miettineet: mistä tuli puolet Jeesuksen geeneistä?

perjantai 12. maaliskuuta 2021

Gilbert & George in Frankfurt


Frankfurter Museen machen auf!!!

Schirn Kunsthalle zeigt 

Gilbert & George have been creating art together now for over half a century. 
Their outstanding body of work is still as explosive as it is significant. 
The SCHIRN is dedicating an extensive retrospective to the visually powerful 
and sometimes provocative universe of this celebrated, London-based artist 
duo, showing works from 1971 until 2019. As both subject and object of their
own work, Gilbert & George form a complete artistic unity that draws no 
distinction between art and life.


My very first visit of Gilbert & George exhibition happened
in London 1987, found this photo in my album. 
Already then I was .... fascinated of their "art".

Yes, the posters are sold out. For 45 £ !!!

Der Ausgang von Gilbert & George Ausstellung führt
über die Aussentreppe von Schirn, mit Blick über
die neue Altstadt in Frankfurt.